Inpex is a company committed to discovering and delivering global energy solutions.
The Inpex summer vacation program is open for university students to get some hands on experience working at Inpex. A great way to get a short term taste of what it might be like to live and work for a large scale clean and efficient operation.
Inpex in the Kimberley
Ichthys LNG is located 220 kilometres offshore in the Browse Basin, Kimberley in West Australia. The site is the biggest single operation producing 8.9 million tonnes of LNG and 1.6 million tonnes of LPG per annum, along with more than 100,000 barrels of condensate per day at peak.
Join the Summer Program
If you are interested in being part of a challenging work environment and thinking of applying for the summer program, please visit the Inpex website from more information.