Prepare young people for leaving school and entering the workforce

Prepare your young person

Parents/guardians today face the unique challenge of supporting their child/children in navigating a work environment that is vastly different.

How best can I help?

Here are some tips to best help your child prepare for a successful career and working life.

As a parent, you can support and prepare your young person to gain the most out of this event by having conversations around the dinner table about what the world of work looks like now and possibly 5-10 years into the future.

There is an abundance of resources to help, as a parent/guardian, have these conversations and help your student navigate the transition from school to work. Check out our ‘Top 4 Websites‘ for more information. Or to see someone face-to-face and talk about what support you might need, contact your local Jobs and Skills Centre today.

Parents/guardians today face the unique challenge of supporting their child/children in navigating a work environment that is vastly different from what they experienced and certainly from what their grandparents experienced.

In fact, a recent report by Future Young Australians, 2017, identified that a job for life is no longer the norm and individuals will most likely change jobs, even careers, several times over their lifetime.

Prepared for Success

Today’s 15-year-olds will likely navigate 17 changes in employer across 5 different careers. They will sometimes be self-employed, at other times working with and for others.

Future Young Australians, 2017