Job Role
Regional Coordinator – WA Primary Health Alliance
Career Highlights
One of my career highlights is seeing patients you have cared for living happy and healthy lives. When I worked remotely, it was a surreal experience having family members of those I have helped thank me.
Another would be having the opportunity (pre-COVID) to complete a summer school course in Europe.
I was honoured to be the only Australian amongst a collective of international students and professionals.
Favorite Part of Role
I graduated from St Mary’s College in ’09 and successfully completed my nursing studies at the Broome Notre Dame Campus (Diploma of Nursing and Bachelor of Nursing).
My career in health has taken me across WA and I have had the opportunity to have worked at some of the larger tertiary hospitals, regional hospitals, and community and remote work.
During my time as a nurse, I have specialised in mental health and alcohol and other drugs and have completed postgraduate studies in both of these areas.
Personal Inspiration
Everyone I met! My parents were my biggest inspiration while I was studying, as they wanted me to succeed in my life. It was filled with a lot of obstacles that I had managed to overcome.
All of my nursing preceptors during my training had given me so much inspiration around the benefit of becoming a nurse and helped open up my eyes to what I was capable of.
“Do what is right for you. I remember leaving school and feeling there was a lot of pressure to have your life mapped out. Some times I still don’t know what the future holds for me but I try and let myself enjoy the present moment. What ever decision you make will be the right decision for yourself and you will make it work. “
– Sasha Bailey.